ISPF 2008 - 2009
Date | Event | Speaker |
5/28/2009 | Negotiating from Weakness in International Trade Relations | John Odell, University of Southern California |
5/21/2009 | Why Did the French Revolution (and others) Turn to Terror: How is Why! | Sidney Tarrow, Maxwell Upson Professor of Government and Sociology, Cornell University |
5/14/2009 | From Communists to Foreign Capitalists | Nina Bandelj, UCI |
5/12/2009 | Margolis Lecture: The International Criminal Court and the Darfur Crisis | Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, Emory Law School |
5/7/2009 | The Politics of Sustainable Coffee in the Americas | Christopher Bacon, University of California, Berkeley |
4/23/2009 | Risky Business: Providing Humanitarian Aid in Dangerous Contexts | Larissa Fast, University of Notre Dame |
4/9/2009 | Deterring "Rogue States": Do the Old Rules Apply? | James Lebovic, George Washington University |
3/12/2009 | Mediation, Conflict Resolution, and Consensus Voting Procedures | Peter Emerson, Director of The de Borda Institute |
3/5/2009 | The Human Faces of the War on Terrorism | Peter Andreas, Brown University, "Policing the Globe"; Carol Burke, UCI, "Combat Ethnography"; Michael Musheno, San Francisco State University, "How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq"; Ray Novaco, UCI, "PTSD in Iraq and Afghanistan" |
2/19/2009 | Conflict Experiences of UCI Students | Johnny Yang (US Army), served in Iraq; Dave Curry (US Marines) served in Iraq; Chris Raheb (US Marines) served in East Africa; Ilana Zelener (civilian); and Noah Saeedy (civilian) |
2/5/2009 | Big Boy Rules: America's Mercenaries Fighting in Iraq | Steve Fainaru, Washington Post |
1/29/2009 | Primed to Hate? Local Political Milieux & Jewish Persecution in Occupied Poland | Jeffrey Kopstein, University of Toronto |
11/20/2008 | Global Leadership: Careers in International Development and Humanitarian NGOs | Thomas Tighe, President and CEO, Direct Relief International Cecelia Lynch, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director, Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (GPACS), UCI |
11/13/2008 | U.S. Foreign Policy between the Wars: From 11/9 to 9/11 | James Goldgeier, George Washington University and Council on Foreign Relations |
11/4/2008 | Historical Roots of Islamic Fundamentalism in Southeast Asia | William Clarence-Smith, University of London |
10/30/2008 | Students Making Peace? Report from UCI's Olive Tree Initiative | Student participants of the Olive Tree Initiative |
10/9/2008 | The Coming Oil Wars | Michael Ross, University of California, Los Angeles |
ISPF 2007 - 2008
Date | Event | Speaker |
5/22/2008 | Global Leadership: Careers in Diplomacy and International Affairs | British Consul-General Bob Peirce, Professor Richard Matthew, Director of UCI's Center for Unconventional Security Affairs, and Peter Kovach, Senior Foreign Service Minister-Counselor and UCLA Diplomat in Residence |
5/15/2008 | Never Ending Wars | Ann Hironaka, Associate Professor of Sociology, UCI |
5/8/2008 | Politics, NGOs and Basic Services in Fragile States | Steve Commins, International Medical Corps and University of California, Los Angeles |
5/1/2008 | Building on Recent Success by Forging the Next Strategy for Iraq | Richard Brennan, Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation |
4/24/2008 | The European Union - Entering the Big League? | Dick Leonard, former assistant editor of The Economist |
4/15/2008 | Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace - American Leadership in the Middle East | Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer and Scott Lasensky, United States Institute for Peace |
3/6/2008 | Emerging Market-Based Multinationals in the Global Economy | David Bartlett, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota |
2/28/2008 | UCI War Veterans: Their Experiences in Iraq Revealed | Michael Flores, US Army; Kevin Chiao, US Marine Corps; Erik Christensen, US Army; Ben Mayer, US Army; An Nguyen, US Army; Thomas Sim, US Marine Corps |
2/21/2008 | INGOs, NGOs and Environmental Reform | Evan Schofer, University of California, Irvine |
2/7/2008 | Politics, NGOs and Basic Services in Fragile States | Steve Commins, University of California, Los Angeles |
1/24/2008 | The Role of Ayatollah Sistani in Reconstructing Iraq | Sayyid Mohammed Kashmiri, North American Representative for Ayatollah Sistani |
1/17/2008 | Corporations and the Management of Conflict | Virginia Haufler, University of Maryland |
11/29/2007 | Close Up Portraits of Soldiers and Their Challenges in Afghanistan and Iraq | Greg Danilenko, Videographer, CNN |
11/15/2007 | International Education Week Panel on Study Abroad Opportunities | Panel discussion of study abroad opportunities and experiences |
11/8/2007 | The U.S. Army in the War on Terror | Tom McNaugher, Vice President, RAND Corporation and Director, Army Research Division (RAND Arroyo Center) |
10/18/2007 | Democratization and Terrorism in the Arab World | Dalia Dassa Kaye, Political Scientist, Center for Middle East Public Policy at RAND Corporation |
10/4/2007 | Will the U.S. be voted out of Iraq? | Jack Miles, Distinguished Professor of English, University of California, Irvine |
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