ISPF 2008 - 2009 

Date Event Speaker
5/28/2009 Negotiating from Weakness in International Trade Relations John Odell, University of Southern California
5/21/2009 Why Did the French Revolution (and others) Turn to Terror: How is Why! Sidney Tarrow, Maxwell Upson Professor of Government and Sociology, Cornell University
5/14/2009 From Communists to Foreign Capitalists Nina Bandelj, UCI
5/12/2009 Margolis Lecture: The International Criminal Court and the Darfur Crisis Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, Emory Law School
5/7/2009 The Politics of Sustainable Coffee in the Americas Christopher Bacon, University of California, Berkeley
4/23/2009 Risky Business: Providing Humanitarian Aid in Dangerous Contexts Larissa Fast, University of Notre Dame
4/9/2009 Deterring "Rogue States": Do the Old Rules Apply? James Lebovic, George Washington University
3/12/2009 Mediation, Conflict Resolution, and Consensus Voting Procedures Peter Emerson, Director of The de Borda Institute
3/5/2009 The Human Faces of the War on Terrorism Peter Andreas, Brown University, "Policing the Globe"; Carol Burke, UCI, "Combat Ethnography"; Michael Musheno, San Francisco State University, "How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq"; Ray Novaco, UCI, "PTSD in Iraq and Afghanistan"
2/19/2009 Conflict Experiences of UCI Students Johnny Yang (US Army), served in Iraq; Dave Curry (US Marines) served in Iraq; Chris Raheb (US Marines) served in East Africa; Ilana Zelener (civilian); and Noah Saeedy (civilian)
2/5/2009 Big Boy Rules: America's Mercenaries Fighting in Iraq Steve Fainaru, Washington Post
1/29/2009 Primed to Hate? Local Political Milieux & Jewish Persecution in Occupied Poland Jeffrey Kopstein, University of Toronto
11/20/2008 Global Leadership: Careers in International Development and Humanitarian NGOs Thomas Tighe, President and CEO, Direct Relief International Cecelia Lynch, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director, Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (GPACS), UCI
11/13/2008 U.S. Foreign Policy between the Wars: From 11/9 to 9/11 James Goldgeier, George Washington University and Council on Foreign Relations
11/4/2008 Historical Roots of Islamic Fundamentalism in Southeast Asia William Clarence-Smith, University of London
10/30/2008 Students Making Peace? Report from UCI's Olive Tree Initiative Student participants of the Olive Tree Initiative
10/9/2008 The Coming Oil Wars Michael Ross, University of California, Los Angeles


ISPF 2007 - 2008

Date Event Speaker
5/22/2008 Global Leadership: Careers in Diplomacy and International Affairs British Consul-General Bob Peirce, Professor Richard Matthew, Director of UCI's Center for Unconventional Security Affairs, and Peter Kovach, Senior Foreign Service Minister-Counselor and UCLA Diplomat in Residence
5/15/2008 Never Ending Wars Ann Hironaka, Associate Professor of Sociology, UCI
5/8/2008 Politics, NGOs and Basic Services in Fragile States Steve Commins, International Medical Corps and University of California, Los Angeles
5/1/2008 Building on Recent Success by Forging the Next Strategy for Iraq Richard Brennan, Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation
4/24/2008 The European Union - Entering the Big League? Dick Leonard, former assistant editor of The Economist
4/15/2008 Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace - American Leadership in the Middle East Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer and Scott Lasensky, United States Institute for Peace
3/6/2008 Emerging Market-Based Multinationals in the Global Economy David Bartlett, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
2/28/2008 UCI War Veterans: Their Experiences in Iraq Revealed Michael Flores, US Army; Kevin Chiao, US Marine Corps; Erik Christensen, US Army; Ben Mayer, US Army; An Nguyen, US Army; Thomas Sim, US Marine Corps
2/21/2008 INGOs, NGOs and Environmental Reform Evan Schofer, University of California, Irvine
2/7/2008 Politics, NGOs and Basic Services in Fragile States Steve Commins, University of California, Los Angeles
1/24/2008 The Role of Ayatollah Sistani in Reconstructing Iraq Sayyid Mohammed Kashmiri, North American Representative for Ayatollah Sistani
1/17/2008 Corporations and the Management of Conflict Virginia Haufler, University of Maryland
11/29/2007 Close Up Portraits of Soldiers and Their Challenges in Afghanistan and Iraq Greg Danilenko, Videographer, CNN
11/15/2007 International Education Week Panel on Study Abroad Opportunities Panel discussion of study abroad opportunities and experiences
11/8/2007 The U.S. Army in the War on Terror Tom McNaugher, Vice President, RAND Corporation and Director, Army Research Division (RAND Arroyo Center)
10/18/2007 Democratization and Terrorism in the Arab World Dalia Dassa Kaye, Political Scientist, Center for Middle East Public Policy at RAND Corporation
10/4/2007 Will the U.S. be voted out of Iraq? Jack Miles, Distinguished Professor of English, University of California, Irvine

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